Yola Mail: Managing email folders

The system folders (Inbox, Drafts, Spam, Sent, and Trash) are permanent system folders that support basic email functions. 

To access your folders, click on the three-dot icons next to your email address and choose the Manage folders option:


Note: You cannot add, rename or remove a system folder, though you can add sub-folders to any of the system folders.

Sorting messages in a folder

When you look at a mail folder, the contents are displayed in date order from most recent to oldest. To sort messages within a folder by different criteria:

  1. Click the folder name in the folder list.
  2. Select Options from the toolbar over the message list.
  3. Choose which Sorting Column you would like to use—Arrival date, Sent date, Subject, From/To, From, To, CC, or Size. Choose Arrival date to see the newest messages first.

    Screen_Shot_2019-09-06_at_15.57.25.pngClick Save to confirm the changes.

  4. To view the most recent messages, click on Sort list, choose Descending from the drop-down menu and click Save.


    To see the oldest emails first, choose Ascending order option.
  5. To view your emails as a list or by a thread, go to Options > List Mode and choose either a List or Threads options from the drop-down menu:

  6. Alternatively, click on the folder to edit, then go to Information > Messages and choose Threads.
    Screen_Shot_2019-09-06_at_15.49.30.pngClick Save.
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