How do I set space between the columns?

When you place text inside of columns you need to set padding (margins) between the columns to stop the text from running together. If you don't do this your page will look messy and your text will be hard to read. To stop the text in the columns on your page from running together follow these steps:

  1. Click Margin at the top of the Columns widget. This will open up a screen that allows you to adjust the margins. This will adjust the spacing around the outside of your Columns widget.
  2. You can adjust the margins individually by entering the value desired into each box in the diamond formation (top, right, bottom, left).
  3. You can also have your margins be created equally on all sides by dragging the slider to the right to increase the margin size and to the left to decrease it.
  4. You can also adjust the padding within the columns by clicking Column Padding. The Column Padding has a default of setting of 15px. You can control the padding for the left-hand column and for the right-hand column by either entering individual values or by using the slider bar.
  5. Click Save to return to the Sitebuilder.
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