You can add as many photos as you'd like but please keep in mind there are certain limits which apply depending on the package you've chosen.
- The total storage for your site: 1 Gb for Yola Free, 2 Gb for Yola Bronze, 5 Gb for Yola Silver and 10 Gb for Yola Gold.
- The limit on the file size on individual file uploads: 5 Mb for Yola Free and Yola Bronze, 100 Mb for Yola Silver and 150 Mb for Yola Gold.
- The limit on the number of sites per account: 2 sites for Yola Free, 5 sites for Yola Bronze, 25 sites for Yola Silver and Yola Gold.
For ideas on how to maximize the storage space, you may want to look at our tutorial on how to optimize your images: Image Optimization.