I purchased Yola Gold, why isn't my site in the search engines?

We are so glad that you have become a Yola Gold subscriber! One of the number one features of Yola Gold is the Traffic Builder and SEO Scan. What these tools will help you do is lay the groundwork for success in the search engines.

When you run the SEO Scan it will tell you areas of your site that you need to improve on such as adding metadata, making sure images have alt tags, and making sure your site pages have enough content, just to name a few.

When you run the Scan you will see a grade for each page and next to that a section for Errors. If you click on the number with the arrow next to it you will be able to see which errors should be fixed, such as missing description tags or alt text. You will also see a grade for keyword density in important areas.

What this section tells you is how often you added your keywords to various areas of your site. Here are a few tutorials that will help as you optimize your site:

What you will find is that search engine optimization is a constant work in progress, and although we would like to guarantee you success, what Yola Gold is here to do is help you lay the foundation for successful SEO.

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