You certainly can create a multi-language site! Yola's website and Sitebuilder are offered in English, Spanish, French, German, Italian and Brazilian Portuguese. There are three ways to set your language preference:
1. On the Yola homepage: To the right of the "Support" link in the top right corner of the page, click on the down arrow and select your language.
2. In My Yola: Hover over your email address. Click Language. Under Other account options > Set language, choose your language and click Change language to make the change.
3. In the Sitebuilder: Go to Settings > Properties. Next to "Language", select your site language from the drop-down menu. Click Save.
Yola supports UNICODE. This means that you can create a site in any language, as long as you have the necessary keyboard and browser settings.
- Use the Translate widget available by going to Widgets and selecting Misc from the drop-down menu. Visitors to your site will be able to choose the language of their choice and translate your site.
- If you would like to have your site in more than one language, you could have different pages for each language. For example, you want your site to be in French and in English. One idea is to have your navigation (menu) links be links which would take the user to either the English or French areas of the site. You could then arrange each area using text links. So when a user clicks on the French navigation button they would take to a "Home Page" for that language, then you could have text links going to each of the subpages for that language. Here is a tutorial that will explain creating subpages: Creating Subpages.
- Another option is to use a template option with a vertical navigation (menu down the side) as this is a good choice if you have many pages. You could have a number of English pages on your navigation, and then those same pages but in French. You could alternate one English then one French, or have all of the English pages then the French pages. Please note that the navigation is a feature of the template you select. You can go to Style > Change Template. Hover over each template in the template library to see the features they support.
Here are a couple examples of multi-language sites: