Adding a Facebook Like button is quite easy! Here's how to set this up:
1. In your Sitebuilder, go to Widgets.
2. Select Social from the drop-down menu.
3. Drag and drop a Facebook Like button onto your page.
4. Click Edit on your Facebook Like widget.
5. A dialog box will open up with a number of options for you to customize:
- Margin - Adjusts how much spacing to add around the Facebook Like Widget.
- Alignment - The position of your button (Left, Center or Right).
- URL to Like - Your domain URL (e.g.
- Layout Style - How the Facebook button is displayed. You can select Standard, Button Count, or Box Count.
- Width - How wide the Facebook will be.
- Show Faces - Shows the faces of those who have liked your website.
- Font - The type of font used for the word "Like" on your button. The available fonts styles are Arial, Lucida Grande, Segoe UI, Tahoma, Trebuchet MS, and Verdana.
- Color Scheme - You can select Light or Dark.
Alternatively, you can add a Facebook Like button using an HTML widget. Follow the steps below to generate the code you need:
- Go to Social Plugins, choose your button and copy the code provided.
- In your Sitebuilder, go to Widgets.
- Select Popular from the drop-down menu.
- Drag and drop an HTML widget onto your page (the icon for this is a blue sphere).
- Paste your code (use right-click > paste or Ctrl-V to paste) into the HTML Editor.
- When you are done, click Save.
- The Facebook Like button will be displayed on your page.
Please keep in mind that while the code may work now, we cannot guarantee that it will continue to work in the future. Codes can become obsolete and/or conflict with the enhancements made to provide you with the best Sitebuilder possible.