Embedding PowerPoint, PDFs and other files onto your website

Embedding presentations/slideshows/files:

Yola offers a File widget that allows your visitor to download your file to their computer to view. Here's how to set this up:

1. Click Widgets. 

2. On the drop-down menu, click Media.

3. Drag and drop a File widget onto your page.

User-added image

4. A dialog box will open and you can choose to Upload a New File or browse through your File Manager. Please select which option you would like to use to upload your file.

User-added image

5. When you click OK, a link to your file will automatically be created.

User-added image

To test that it is working, save and preview your page.

You can also embed your Powerpoint, PDF or other files onto your website through coding. You will need to use Google Search to locate a code you can use. Once you have the HTML code, you can follow these steps to add the code to your site:

  1. Go to Widgets. 
  2. Select Popular from the drop-down menu.
  3. Drag and drop an HTML widget.
  4. Paste in your code and click Save.

You will see the file embedded onto your page.

Please keep in mind that while the code may work now, we cannot guarantee that it will continue to work in the future. Codes can become obsolete and/or conflict with the enhancements made to provide you with the best Sitebuilder possible.


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