Editing the category for your site

The template you select at the beginning of the site creation process allows us to offer some content suggestions to help you get started. You're not limited to the initial style and content though, and you can easily add pages or change your style following the instructions below.

To add more pages to your site, click Page and click the yellow "+" sign. Give your page a name and the heading you would like to have on the page. You can also choose to have your page on the main navigation, and/or enable the  password protection. Then click OK.

To change the style:

  1. In the Sitebuilder, go to Style Change Template.
  2. The Style menu will open. You will have the following options
  3. Mouse over the various templates to display a thumbnail preview and editing features. To preview a template on your site, click on it. If you have a custom banner on your current style, it will be moved to the File Manager and you can apply it to the new template from there. 
  4. To revert back to your previous design, click Revert Template
  5. When you've decided which template you'd like to use, click on it. 
  6. The new design will load onto your site.
  7. Please remember that if you have added your own banner to the previous style, it will not be added to the new one - you will need to re-add it to your new template from the File Manager (if the template has the option).

If you are interested in seeing what sort of default content will be generated if you choose a different template, you can go through the site creation process from the beginning again by creating a new site. You are allowed up to two sites with our Yola Free account, up to five with Yola Bronze and up to 25 with Yola Silver and Yola Gold.

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