Yola Promotional Codes allow you to receive a discount on selected Yola purchases.
We'll occasionally release some promotional codes to publicize new features, partnerships, or to thank our users. Yola distributes these codes at their sole discretion. If you have received a promotional code for any Yola product, you can redeem it when you make a purchase.
In order to redeem a promotional code, you need to go through the steps to make a purchase and, when you come to the payment screen, you'll see a field called "Enter promotional code". If a promotional code is available on the item you are purchasing, you will see a box with the message: "If you have a Promotional Code, please enter it below." This is located below the Payment Details:
The box should already be filled in for you. However, if you are in possession of a code and the box is not filled in, you can copy and paste it into the box. The discount will be deducted from your total and this will be reflected in your Order Summary. You will only be charged for the reduced amount.
A maximum of one promotional code can be used per purchase.