Configuring Yola Mail to use with Mac Mail

If you would like to use Mac Mail as your email program, then you need to configure it so that you can send and receive email.

  1. Click Mail next to the Apple icon, then Accounts.
  2. Click the + symbol to add a new mailbox.
  3. Add your Yola Mail email address and password, then click Continue.
  4. Choose account type "IMAP", add a description, then your Incoming Mail Server as and User Name as "INSERT USER YOLA MAIL ADDRESS", your password then click Continue.
  5. Add a description and your outgoing mail server as
  6. Place a check in the "Use only this server" and "Use Authentication" checkbox and click Continue.
  7. Place a check in the "Take account online" checkbox, and click Create.

You should now be able to send and receive mail.

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