Choosing different options to publish your website

To put your site online, so that it can be viewed by the public, you need to publish it!

Yola has tried to make every possible publishing option available to you. The Yola Free service is designed to let you try our Sitebuilder, and even publish a website to a Yola subdomain. It is a great way to explore what Yola has to offer, and is absolutely free. Want a custom domain instead? No problem! You can a get a free* custom domain for one year when you purchase one of our annual hosting packages: Yola Bronze, Yola Silver or Yola Gold. This extraordinary value includes free domain privacy for one year as well as two months of hosting for free.

*Please note:

  • A free domain includes a .com domain. If you would like a domain that is not .com, you will need to pay the price difference. For example, if you wish to have a .org domain, the cost of this is $14.95. A .com domain costs $11.95. As a result, you will need to pay the difference of $3.00.
  • This feature is only available if you go through our Yola Package page or if your site is unpublished, you can click on Publish in your Sitebuilder and select your domain there.

You can:

  1. Purchase a custom top level domain and choose from one of our premium hosting packages.
  2. Publish to a free subdomain and host your site with us for free.
  3. Transfer your top level domain to Yola.
  4. Publish to a domain you purchased elsewhere if you have a Yola Bronze, Yola Silver, Yola Gold subscription, or have a partner program package.

Read more about: The benefits of hosting your site with Yola, and our Yola BronzeYola Silver and Yola Gold packages. 

Important Information:

  1. You can easily make changes to your published site at any time, so there is no need to wait until your site is "finished" before you publish it. Good websites are always "under construction" and you should continue to update your site as often as possible after you publish it!
  2. When you publish your site anyone will be able to view your site by clicking on a link to your site that you provide, or by typing your URL (web address) into the address bar of his or her browser. However, you will not be able to search for your site immediately as it takes time for newly published sites to be indexed by search engines. Take a peek at our Getting your site indexed by the search engines tutorial for more information.
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