Adding pictures to my text

You can add pictures in a few ways but did you know that you can add a picture inside a Text widget?

To add pictures using the Text widget, follow these easy steps:

1. Go to Widgets

2. Select Popular from the drop-down menu.

3. Drag and drop a Text widget onto your page.

User-added image

4. Click the "Picture" button (the icon that has a mountain scene) on the Text Editing Toolbar.

User-added image

5. The File Manager will open up and allow you to upload or browse for an image. If you are a Yola Silver or Yola Gold user, you have the option to browse through our Stock Media catalog.

User-added image

Using a Text widget allows you to insert a number of pictures in the same text box. You can add as many pictures in a row as your chosen style will support. Separate each picture by one or two spaces for the best results.

You can also place a picture and text side by side (text wrapping):

1. Once you have added your picture, select it by clicking on it.

2.  You will then see two new buttons on your Text Editing Toolbar: A picture with text on the right (Wrap Left) and text on the left (Wrap Right).
Select the option that suits you and start typing.

User-added image

3. Your text will then wrap around the picture. 

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