We've partnered with Pixabay to bring you stunning, royalty-free and copyright-free stock images and videos to use on your website. Yola Silver and Yola Gold customers have immediate access to Pixabay's huge library, which comprises of over 400,000 stock images and videos, right in the Yola Sitebuilder through the File Manager. These attractive, high-quality media resources are free for you to use!
To get started, open the File Manager:
1. Click Files.

2. In the File Manager, click Add Stock Media.

3. In the Pixabay dialog box that opens, you can either search through the Popular or New categories or you can use the search bar and enter a couple of keywords. You also have the option of looking specifically at Images or Videos.

4. Select the media you wish to use, then click on the Import to Files button.

The file(s) will be download to your File Manager.
Once downloaded, the media file will automatically be available in the File Manager. You can use the image by adding a Picture widget, using the Gallery widget, when editing a Banner Image, or as the page background. If you've added a video file, currently, they can only be added through the Panel widget as a background video image.