Signing up with Yola gives you the following account options:
- Yola Free is our free version, designed to help you get started. With Yola Free, you can create up to two sites and have 2GB of storage for your account (1GB of storage per site). You can upload individual files of up to 5MB each. Yola Free is an excellent way to see the type of sites you can create with Yola and get familiar with the Sitebuilder.
- If you want to boost your site and get your site noticed, upgrading to Yola Bronze will give your site a professional edge with your own custom domain! In addition, you receive 10GB of storage space for your account (2GB of storage per site) as well as uploading individual files of up to 5MB each.
- When you're ready to make your site stand-out, a Yola Silver account is our most robust, feature-rich package! This gives you 125GB storage for your account (5GB of storage per site). You can also upload individual files of up to 100MB each.
- Yola Gold is the package to get if you want to manage and improve your SEO. Incorporating all the great features from Yola Silver, it also includes Traffic Builder. With Yola Gold you can also upload files up to 150MB, and have unlimited storage for your account.
There is a 1GB bandwidth limit for Yola Free accounts. There is no limit to the bandwidth available for your sites if you are using a Yola Bronze, Yola Silver or Yola Gold account.
In order to see how much storage space you have remaining within your site, you can view this information in the File Manager.
To access the File Manager, login to your Sitebuilder and click Files.
At the top right corner of the dialog box, you will see how much of your storage space you are currently utilizing.
This information may be useful in determining whether or not you want to upgrade. If you would like to upgrade to Yola Bronze, Yola Silver or Yola Gold, log in to your Yola account and click Upgrade. You can choose a package that best suits your needs. You will also be prompted to upgrade any time you reach your total storage limit or your individual file upload limit.