Adding Yola to your "Safe Senders" list

As a Yola customer, you will occasionally receive emails from us. If you have a Yola subscription or domain, these emails are important because they include important information about your domain or subscription renewal. 

Some email programs block addresses they identify as spam, even if they are from legitimate sources. We recommend adding Yola's addresses to your "Safe Senders" list, so that you don't miss out on these reminders. If, for example, you don't see an email regarding your domain expiry you may not renew it on time and unfortunately may lose your domain. 

Adding our domains also ensures that, should you ever forget your password and need to reset it, you will receive the password reset email in your inbox instead of it being diverted to the incorrect folder. 

Below are links with steps to follow for the most common email programs.

When asked for the domain and email address of the sender you would like to add, please enter the following:
  • Email address: (domain:
  • Email address: (domain:

1. How to Add Approved Senders to Hotmail

2. How to Add Approved Senders to Gmail

3. How to Add Approved Senders to AOL Email Accounts

4. How to Add Approved Senders to Yahoo! Mail

5. How to Add Approved Senders to Microsoft Outlook

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