How do I move the widgets on my page?

You can move your widgets around your page by clicking on the blue bar on the top of the widget and dragging it until you see a blue dotted outline - you can then drop the widget and it will appear at its new location.

Placing the widget

You can also place your widget exactly on your page using the following methods:

  1. You can use one of the layouts that we offer ( the layouts tab is in the top left-hand corner of the Sitebuilder) to correctly position your widgets. See: Selecting the page layout.
  2. Some of our widgets have a Margin option. You can click Margin and enter the desired value for Top, Right, Bottom, and Left. You can also slide the slider bar to the value you wish to have.
  3. You can also add a Text widget with 'spaces' in it (and no text). You can use a combination of the above to get your widgets correctly placed and aligned to your satisfaction.


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